Rory Little Software Engineer

About Me

Hi, I'm Rory - a recent graduate of Computer Science and Mathematics at Western Washington University. I am most interested in discrete mathematics and applications to computer science, in fields such as automata, graph theory, and combinatorics. I also have a passion for programming language theory, having worked on several languages and compilers throughout my time in university. In my spare time, I write music.



I worked as a research assistant on the development of the Muze programming language. Muse is an imperative, statically-typed, compiled language being developed at Western Washington University. It contains two defining features: type information baked into its pointers, and cascading type morphs.

Muze offers us a chance to try a new type system, where rather than inheritance driving a tree-like structure into our types, we instead are given a graph, where type morphs provide paths to our base types.

Embedded Multimeter

As part of a class on embedded systems, I created a real time operating system for the LPC 1114 microprocessor, including support for threading, interrupt handling, and a display driver for an SSD 1306 LCD screen. Using this system, I built a multimeter, capable of measuring resistance, capacitance, and inductance, as well as a small Flappy Bird clone as an easter egg.



Western Washington University September, 2021 - Present Computer Science, MS

Western Washington University September, 2014 - June, 2020 Computer Science, BS Mathematics, BS


Undergraduate Research Assistant April, 2019 - March, 2020 Western Washington University

Teaching Assistant September, 2019 - March, 2020 Western Washington University

Full Stack Intern June, 2015 - December 2015 Unikrn